Our mission is to secure resources to enhance and expand quality-of-life programs and services available to DuPage Care Center residents.


Winter 2021
Pub. 1 – Ed. 3
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DuPage Care Center Awarded 5-star Rating from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Originally, CMS created the Five-Star Quality Rating System to help consumers, their families, and caregivers to compare nursing homes. Currently, the CMS Five-Star rating is also used by insurance providers and hospitals to determine where to send their patients/participants for high quality, post-acute care.

This rating is based on:

  • A nursing home has met Medicaid and Medicare’s quality requirements
  • Has met or exceeded the difference in the levels of resident care in each nursing home
  • Quality measures in how well nursing homes are caring for their residents’ physical and clinical needs.

Janelle Chadwick, DPCC Administrator, added, “We cannot be more proud of our entire team for achieving this accolade; in the middle of a pandemic, no less.”

For more information on this rating, visit CMS.gov.

Meet the Kliebhan and Motter Family

The connection of the Kliebhan family to DPCC dates back to the 1980’s, when Marie Grogan was a resident at the center. Her family was so pleased with the care she got here that years later, when it was time for Jerome Kliebhan, another family member, to find a new home, there was no question about where he would go. Today, Jerome’s son, Bob Kliebhan, serves on the DPCC Foundation board. His wife Christine is a Financial Analyst at the Center and Christine’s cousin, Mindy Page, is a Pharmacist Technician at the Center. Christine’s mother, Tina Motter, is currently a resident and president of the Resident Council. Tina’s foster sister, Eleanor Sue Gilbert, was a resident several years ago.

Christine says that one of the things she loves about the Center is not only the skill and dedication of the staff, but all the activities that are available to the residents (made possible, in part, to the DuPage Care Center Foundation). A few years ago, when it was time to find a new home for her mom, they looked at other places, but knew she would be bored anywhere else. Here, they say, they found a place where their loved ones are treated like family. For the Kliebhans, that means everything.

Congratulations to the Kliebhan family on becoming the first GEM Patron. Keep reading to find out how you can join the Kliebhans and the GEM Patron program.

GEM (Giving Every Month) Patron Program

Recently introduced, the GEM (Giving Every Month) Patron program offers donors the opportunity throughout the year to support sustainable growth for the programs and services the residents (many of whom are veterans) depend on. Sometimes making a large donation can be difficult on your budget but, smaller monthly donations are more manageable. Click here for more details or to sign up.

Chaplain Notes

The residents tell me how grateful they are to be at the Care Center. They speak of the simple and basic blessings such as being alive, having meals provided, having a warm bed. They are an inspiration of gratitude!

Andrew Hougan, MDiv

Be a Valentine to a Resident

Spread Valentine cheer to a resident(s) or staff(s) with a Valentine balloon(s) and a special message.

Orders must be made before end of business on Wednesday February 10th.

Recreation Therapy Updates

February is National Therapeutic Recreation Month and we have planned a calendar of events for the residents. By offering a variety of games, our goal is to promote health benefits of each resident. This includes:

  • cognitive abilities
  • physical abilities
  • promotes emotional and psychosocial well-being
  • offers socialization
  • creative expression
  • decision making
  • responsibility

  • spiritual expression
  • enjoyment
  • sharing common interests
  • offers solace and relaxation
  • promoting independence
  • decreased learned helplessness
  • learn new skills & adapt old skills
Residents in Recreation Therapy

Due to social distancing guidelines, some activities have gone virtual. Music therapy, a variety of recreational games and pet therapy are just a few of the programs residents’ experience.

With iPads, residents keep in touch with their family and Care Center friends from different neighborhoods. One neighborhood had a resident/family virtual sing along which made everyone smile.

Up next: Movie Time! Each neighborhood will pick a classic movie and decorate their rooms to reflect the essence of the movie. By using iPads, residents will go virtual with other Center neighborhoods and share the fun. Check out our Facebook page to see the results.