Our mission is to secure resources to enhance and expand quality-of-life programs and services available to DuPage Care Center residents.
Fall 2020
Pub. 1 – Ed. 2
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DPCC Residents Benefit from a Grant for Their Secret Garden
Bloomingdale Garden Club, in collaboration with DPCC’s University of Illinois Extension DuPage Master Gardeners, was awarded a $1,000 “Plant America Community Grant” by the National Garden Clubs Inc. The organization has a major focus on “Pollinator Gardens,” as well as “Healing Gardens” for hope and awareness. This grant will support the planning, design and supplies for a new pollinator/healing garden in the Secret Garden!
Through the initiation & planning by Master Gardeners, Linda Kunesh & Leslie Mabbott, Midwest Groundcovers in St Charles, donated more than $600 in perennials, shrubs, and other plants that will draw in pollinators for this new garden. This fall, Bloomingdale Garden Club members & Master Gardeners planted more than 85 perennials and more than 300 spring bulbs throughout The Secret Garden! Volunteers will plant annuals next spring to enhance the beauty of the existing palate of floral colors. Thank you to our donors and fleet of volunteers.
Become a GEM to DPCC Residents
Recently the DuPage Care Center Foundation created the GEM (Giving Every Month) Patron program. This program offers donors the ability to spread out the impact of their donation throughout the year. Sometimes making a large donation can be difficult but through smaller monthly donations, you support sustainability to the programs and services for the 310+ Care Center veterans and residents.
There are several options you can use when signing up to be a DPCCF GEM Patron. Select an option below to make your monthly donation:
- a credit card of your choice
- an automatic debit to your checking account
- mail in your check monthly
Please consider becoming a GEM Patron today. You have the option to stop making a donation at any time. Click for more details or call the Foundation office at 630.784.4267 for assistance
Chaplain Notes
As Chaplain, it is my blessing to tend to the spiritual life of our residents. We have many residents with varying paths to God. Yet, the unifying aspect is a sense of connectedness to God and to one another. At the Care Center, we have adapted our services due to COVID safety conditions. On Sunday, I provide a Chaplain Prayer Service over the PA system. We have a connection via TV services for Catholic Masses and a Sunday Protestant Christian Service and connect via Zoom to a local Lutheran church. We, also, have FaceTime visits with our Catholic priest, as he “visits” room to room. My Chaplain visits are on individual and group (following CDC guidelines) basis that are faith-based discussions and generate wonderful conversations.
Our DuPage Care Center residents are heroic in their spirit of endurance, fortitude, gratefulness, patience, and good cheer. Heroes live here!
Have a great day. God’s graces upon you.
Andrew Hougan, MDiv
Still Need a 2020 Tax Deduction
If you are considering making an end-of-the year charitable donation for 2020 please consider the DuPage Care Center Foundation. Our mission is to “secure resources to enhance and expand quality-of-life programs and services available to 310+ DPCC residents”. Our folks are veterans, grandmothers, brothers, neighbors, fathers, entrepreneurs, friends and even a retired crossing guard who guaranteed children’s school safety. With your support, we will be able to continue programs, services and supplies for residents with cognitive, physical and medically complex challenges, with little to no financial resources, who call the DuPage Care Center home. We are grateful for all you do. Many thanks for the consideration of a donation. Click to make a donation.
Volunteer Services
The DPCC volunteers continue to support the facility even with the current quarantine restrictions. These amazing, and much appreciated, volunteers perform outdoor concerts for the residents to enjoy as they listen through open windows, sew homemade masks and blankets, and even shop for specially requested items for the residents. Although the Gifts and Thrifts Shop remains closed, the Center is accepting donations of used items like clothing, jewelry, and craft supplies on a limited basis. With the upcoming Christmas holidays quickly approaching, we are preparing for the Adopt – A – Resident Program. This program provides that festive cheer with personalized gifts for the residents during the holidays with registration now open. Sign up today to be a holiday elf. For details about this information please contact Elizabeth Walker at (630) 784-4260 or email [email protected].
Scholarship Award
In August John Darrah, left, and Sarahi Garcia were each presented with a $500 scholarship for their volunteer contributions within their high school community service projects. Each year the DPCC Foundation recognizes two teen volunteers for their time, creativity, leadership and communication skills with residents and staff. The Volunteen Scholarship Program applications will be available in February 2021. Please contact the DPCCF office at [email protected] for more details.
Meet DPCC Staff Member, Henry Parker
Ask anyone who works at DPCC if they know Henry Parker, and a big smile is the first response you’ll get. It’s no wonder…he’s a wonderful friend to residents and staff members alike, he works very hard, and he’s incredibly dedicated to his work as a Recreation Therapy Coordinator.
During the growing season, you’ll often find him working in the Secret Garden, a beautiful outdoor space where special events are held, where residents can meet with family members, and where, assisted by Henry and Master Gardener volunteers, 65 members of the center’s garden club grow their own flowers and vegetables. Read more.
Thank You to our 53rd Fall Festival Sponsors!
- FT Cares Foundation
- AT&T
- Alverno Laboratories
- BrightStar Care
- Symbria
- Sysco
- Tyndale
- Doctor Gary Williams
- Maxim HealthCare Services
- Elite Ambulance